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Showing posts from September, 2023

Happy Birthday Scotty!

Scotty turned 13 in September and he's now officially a teenager! For his birthday, he got a nice fishing pole from mom and dad which he has been using a lot and catching a ton of fish!  The theme for his party this year was Legend of Zelda !  We had a whole bunch of games to play, but it was raining so we made up our own inside games.  The decorations were awesome! We turned the whole inside of the house into Hyrule castle! It was great party! =-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-== Questions with Scotty as a teenager! Me "Is there any diffrence between being 12 and 13?" Scotty "My beard is growing. And so are my responsibilitys." 😂😂😂 Me "How do you like being a teen?" Scotty "I like being 12 more, less responsibility." Me "When do you think you'll get a job?" Scotty "Hopefully next year!" =-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Thanks for reading!

Science museum! 🌎

This week we went to the North Carolina museum of natural sciences again! Since we went on a Thursday, no one was there and we had the whole museum to ourselves. Even though we have been here a bunch of times, every time we find something new!  They had a live snapping turtles, frogs and snakes and a bunch of hands on activities and science labs to explore. In one lab we got to use the microscopes and see bugs eating Styrofoam! In the 3D printing lab, we got to watch them print and play with all the printed toys.  It's four stories tall with a sky bridge, so there is plenty to explore!  The admission is free and it's fun for all ages, we will definitely go again! If your ever in Raleigh NC, be sure to check it out, and make sure you have lots of time to do it, we spent 3 to 4 hours there! Thanks to mom for taking all these pictures!

Creedmoor music festival- 100th post!

This is Road to Creedmoors 100th post! We started early March and have come this far with nearly five thousand clicks and 130 comments! Thanks to everyone for sticking around and watching our cross country road trip,  settling in to our new house, exploring NC and more!🎉💗🎊 Now to the post... Yesterday we went to Creedmoors 30th annual music festival downtown. They blocked off the whole entire Main Street and set up about 100 booths, two stages with live music, food trucks, a car show and more! It was so much fun! Afterwards, we went to Lake Rodgers and walked around the lake. It was a fun day!

Weekend update!🍂🌻

We have been busy this week, doing school, working on the gates for the pig pens and the garden, cleaning for guests who will be visiting from Chico, even Scotty cleaned his room, fishing and enjoying the cool weather. (It was 49° last night!)  Scotty is the master fisherman, he can catch anything! He has caught more fish than anyone! The ducks have been exploring the yard more and more, they made it over to the chicken coop, and when they feel like it, the will quack as loud as they can, you can hear it from all over the yard and inside 😄  Scottys birthday is coming up so we are planning his party, it's going to the Legend of Zelda theme!  What are you guys doing this weekend?  Thanks for reading!

Nc Zoo - Part 2!

Here's part two of the Zoo! They had a huge dome with a desert biome inside, filled with birds and snakes and spiders. There was a dark room with vampire bat's. The Zebras and giraffes were beautiful and the elk and bison were cool! They even had black and brown bears! Yep! The zoo was a really fun experience!

North Carolina Zoo- Ashboro NC

For school today we drove to the NC zoo! It was so amazing how many animals were there! Aliagtors, elephants, gorilla's, giraffes, monkeys, baboons, bobcat, rhino's, polar bears, sand cats, lemurs, snapping turtles, elk, bison, flamingos and more!  All the animals were in large enclosures and happy. It was worth the price ($15 person) because it was soooo big and we stayed there for 4 hours!  The gorilla's were one of my favorites. They were so cute and they sat up and stuck there tounges out at people! The Sand cats were so playful and fun! They came right up to the glass and played with you! The pole bear was amazing and so were the elephants! The one I know some people will love is the Aliagtors! They have the largest jaws! It was really fun! Stay tuned for tomorrows post!

Guinea hens and Chickens

Some of our strangest pets are the Guinea hens. Why you ask? Well, take a look for yourself...😆 Yep! Guineas are a strange bird but they eat about 1,000 ticks a day! They are really good at protecting your flock and alerting danger (because they are so loud). They also have really pretty feathers and are super stupid.Some of the bad things about guineas is that they are mean. Don't try to hold them because they have very sharp claws. They also probably will run away into the woods and most likely never come back, unless they are raised with chickens! They are said to lay 90-130 small eggs a year, tasting like chicken eggs.  The chickens are good pets, not nearly as loud as the guineas and much better egg layers. We have 8 Rhode Island Reds, one mysterious rooster, one Sebright and 3 adorable little bantams!  We have only named a couple of each so far, here are their names!  The rooster is named Chicken Licken 😄 One little ...

All about Lucy💗

Even though Lucy placed second, I still think she gets a post all to herself!  Lately she hasn't been doing to much, she loves to chase skinks and squirrels and the occasional deer, but she hasn't caught anything yet. 😀 She also has been getting scared a lot, due to gunshots or loud noises. So she hides in the closet or downstairs bathroom. Poor dog! She can't go upstairs unless we carry her, since they are so slippery that she slides all the way to the bottom landing. But she is perfectly happy downstairs.  And of course, when we go fishing she follows us and when we do catch one, she is so curious about it and tries to sniff it then gets scared because it flops around 😄 Mom took this picture! Lucy has been loving it here, inside and out! But mainly inside because that's where her couch is. 🤣

Fall is coming!

It has been getting cooler lately and the leaves have been starting to change colors. If you go out early, the pond is usually covered in fog which is really beautiful.  Dad took this picture! The lady from our farmers market sold us a big box of tomatoes we we have been canning a ton, we got nine jars of tomatoes and three of bruchetta! That's all that has been going on now, stay tuned for a bunch of very special posts later this week... The Zoo!

The great and amazing ducks!

The winner of the competition was the ducks so they get a whole post to themselves! We got them in May and they grew up so fast! They were the tiniest little ducklings ever, with their little poofs on their heads💗 Within weeks, they grew so tall they could peek out of the side of the enclosure we had them in and in another few weeks they were old enough to swim and stay in their house outside.  Crested Pekin ducks are a very good pet and require little of maintenance. They grow up fast and love to be held and cuddled. Some people belive that ducks are less destructive then chickens, but from our experience they are wrong. Chickens scratch and take dirt baths, they occasionally will eat some leaves and flowers in your yard. Ducks will gladly eat any plant and muck up any puddles. This of course, is all from free ranging chickens and ducks so if you have them in an enclosed space they may be more or less destructive.  When the ducks were litt...