Scotty turned 13 in September and he's now officially a teenager! For his birthday, he got a nice fishing pole from mom and dad which he has been using a lot and catching a ton of fish! The theme for his party this year was Legend of Zelda ! We had a whole bunch of games to play, but it was raining so we made up our own inside games. The decorations were awesome! We turned the whole inside of the house into Hyrule castle! It was great party! =-=-=-==-=-=-==-=-== Questions with Scotty as a teenager! Me "Is there any diffrence between being 12 and 13?" Scotty "My beard is growing. And so are my responsibilitys." 😂😂😂 Me "How do you like being a teen?" Scotty "I like being 12 more, less responsibility." Me "When do you think you'll get a job?" Scotty "Hopefully next year!" =-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Thanks for reading!