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Showing posts from August, 2023

Favorite pet winner!

Today we will share the favorite pet winners! It was really close, they almost all got the same, but one animal(s) won first place. Guess which one..... 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 If you guessed the Ducks, you are correct! They won first with 5 votes! Second is awarded to Lucy with 4 votes!💗 Third is the Guinea pigs and Guinea hens and chickens! With 3 points to each. And last is the parakeets with 1 vote. Thank you all for participating and stay tuned for a post all about the ducks (and of course we will do some about all the other animals also😀)! 💗💗💗💗

Which pet is your favorite?

Alright! So we now have a total of.... 27 pets! 13 chickens, 6 guinea hens, 3 ducks, 2 guinea pigs, 2 parakeets and 1 dog! Which pet do you like to see on the blog the most?  Is it.... Lucy? Chickens/guinea hens? Guinea pigs/parakeets? Ducks? Let us know in the comments and the winning animal will get an entire blog post about themselves ! 

Working on the property!

We have been working hard lately! Our first main project is working on the pig pens. Dad has laid out the strings to figure out the size of all twelve paddocks and cleaning the dead trees and other hazardous objects like metal pieces from the cars on the property. It is going pretty good! The ducks are very happy as usual! They spend all day under our deck enjoying the shade. 😄 Lucy got a haircut because of the heat and is looking adorable!  That's all for now! 

High point NC

We have been busy lately! Today we went to High point NC to go to the farmers market where we got to meet the famous YouTube people from Shearaton Park Farms who inspired dad to raise pigs. High point is so cool! I wish we could look around more but we have a busy day! What we did see though, was this vintage Krispy Kreme and a five story chest of drawers 😁 Not to much has been happening around the property. Me and Scotty have started school which is going pretty good. Lucy got up into the tractor all by herself 💗She is such a good dog! There has been a ton of storms also, and it just pours rain with lots of thunder and lightning!  Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Scotty in the kitchen

Hey dudes. Today I am going to show you how to make a snack that is so tasty and filling and simple. Your guaranteed to make it again. All you need it three ingredients..... Cheese Pickles Butter   Start by heating up your cast iron on the lowest heat. Put a chunk of butter in to melt and once its melted, add the cheese.  When the edges get crispy, put your pickles on top.  Make sure you keep watch on the cheese. Once it gets to your desired crunchiness, flip it.  Once both sides are crunchy, take it off the heat.                                         Time to plate! I paired mine with watermelon fries and a nice cold glass of pickle juice straight from the jar.  It was so good.  Meet Scotty: Hi! I'm Scotty! I am the maker of all the food you see. I love pickles, parakeets, clip on ties, chickens, video games and eating candy. I hope you enjoyed reading this...

Day trip! The Atlanic ocean!

We woke up bright and early to drive to the ocean! When we arrived, the weather was a bit cloudy and by the end of the day it started to rain, but it was still crazy fun! 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️💗🍉🍍 Yep, it was a great day! We got to explore a bit more of NC!

Sugar Planet🍭😛 - Nags Head NC

My brother wanted to go to a candy store on the east coast while we were here and he chose the sugar planet. We met our friends there and they filled there bags up with candy. Lots and lots of candy. They had jelly beans, jawbreaker, circus peanuts, bubble gun, taffy, gummies, soda, assorted candy mixes and SO much more!! Even the floor looked like candy! They also had t-shirts, mugs, bracelets and other little souvenirs and things to purchase for those who don't eat candy🙂 It was really fun to look around and see all the types of candy.  He says "You hit a wall of sugar when you walk in. It was the best candy store I have ever been to. It was also really colorful and fun!" Highly would recommend going!

Christmas Mouse - Nags Head NC

Do you love Christmas? Well if you do, you have to check out christmas mouse in Nags Head NC! It has everything you could want to decorate and celebrate! Trees, ornaments, tree toppers, lights, candles, mugs, gifts, decorations and more! Different themed trees were all over the store.  There was Coca-Cola, gold, owls, birds, instruments, blue and white, food, and more! It was two stories, each one stuffed with things! The amount of ornaments they had... wow! They had just about every type you could ever want! I would highly recommend going! It is a great place to check out! 

Did you know that ducks love to pose for the camera?

It's true! They love to!💗 They will walk right up to the camera and pose! Aren't they hilarious? And adorable! We just love having ducks!