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We never travel without....

I interviewed each family member and asked then, "What are the five things you have to take on a road trip?" Here are there answers!
First, Mom will tell you her top five.
● Infinity scarf- It can double as a pillow or an eye mask, but mainly it keeps your neck warm.
● Water bottle- Have to stay hydrated! Plus my kids forget their's.
● Camera- To document everything.
● Chapstick- It has to be the sweet watermelon flavor!
● First aid kit- Cause the kids always need some owie fixed.
Now Dad will tell you his...
●Knife- Acts as a multi tool.
●Coffee- To stay wide awake on the road.
●Phone- Music and work calls.
●Comfy shoes- For wearing around hotel rooms.
And my brother will tell you his!
● Snacks- To satisfy my craving until the next meal.
●Pillow- Comfort in the car.
●Blanket- Also comfort.
●Nintendo 2DS- Fun to play on during long drives.
●Stuffed animal- This is my pal Cheety the Cheeta. He's my travel buddy!
And finally here's mine!
●Books- Something to read when we stop!
●Flossers- You never will know when you will get something stuck between your teeth.
●Journal- So I can write about everything!
●Headphones- So I can listen to my audio books or music and not bother anyone 
●Teddy- I will admit it, I still travel with my teddy bear. I got her when I was 2 year old from my grandma. And ever since than I have taken Teddy with me on all vacations!

Lucy the dog has her 5 favorite things also! 😄
● Food
● Treats 
● Blanket
● Toys 
● Water bowl


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