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First aid kit

Every car should equipped with a first aid kit,you'll never know when you will need one. Its better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it. Here are a few things we pack in our kit!
● All shapes and sizes of bandaids- For paper cuts to scrapes and slices.
● Gauze and gauze tape- to wrap up those nasty cuts. 
● Eye wash- For that tiny piece of dirt that is bugging you 😄 
● Allergy pills and nasal strips- It's getting closer to spring and if your like me pollen can be a problem. I always carry around these to be prepared for my next allergy attack. 
● Butterfly closures- For securing an ouchie.
● Cough drops- To suck on for fun, or when you have an annoying cough. 
● Extra toothpaste- Not a necessary item, but just in case.
●  Cold compress- To soothe the bumps and bruises. 
● Tounge compressors- No one uses these anymore but if you have them, they can be uses as fire starters. 
● Cotton balls, Q-tips and cotton pads
● Rubber gloves- We personally don't use these, but if your kids are board you can have them blow them up or fill them up with water. 
Hope these help you make or restock your first aid kit!


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