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Essential oils for traveling!

One little thing you can bring with you on your next trip can be essential oils! Below I have picked out 5 of the best oils for traveling.
● Lavender- Lavender is mostly used for calming purposes, but you can use it to calm irritated skin. At night time, before bed you can apply the oil  to the bottoms of your feet or your pillow.
●Lemon- Lemon is one of my favorite oils. It's has so many uses and is a great one for the car because of its uplifting and posotive scent. Firstly it can be added to olive oil to make a furniture polish. Next, it can remove greasy substances, gum and  sticky label pieces from fabric. Then you could add a drop or two to your water, diffuse it into the air, and even clean your counters!
●Peppermint- Peppermint is a strong oil, but very useful. Put one drop of peppermint and one drop of lemon into your water to make a mouthwash. Add to your shampoo for a potent shampoo. It also could help you get rid of your headache when you diffuse it.
●Ginger- This oil is very useful on road trips. It can cure nausa or indesgetion when taken internally. To take internally you could add one drop to your water or tea, or put 1 to 2 drops into a vegetable capsule.
●Thieves- Thieves is an antibacterial oil that can killl germs. Simply put a few drops into a spray bottle with water and spray on the surface you wish to disenfect. Or put a couple drops onto a cloth to disinfect a object like a shopping cart. 


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