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Showing posts from May, 2023

Scottys new Lego set!

Yesterday at the mall in the Lego store, Scotty bought a really cool lego set. The A-frame cabin. He absolutely loves it and built it all in one day.  It has so many cool details on it! Hope you enjoyed!

Visiting the Crabtree mall in Raleigh

Today we went to the Crabtree Valley mall in Raleigh! It was the most hugest place I have ever been to, with almost 200 stores!  This is only a teeny tiny little bit of it.  But, there was soooo much to do there! One of the coolest things was the food court, there was actully over 10 restaurants! We all ate Chick-fil-A 😁 And Scottys most favorite store out of the whole mall was, can you guess? Lego! He was the happiest person in the world here! He only bought one set and will share it with you when hes done! It was so much fun going here!  Thanks for reading! 

Adorable pictures!

Here are some of the newest and most adorable pictures of the ducks we have taken so far! Aren't they just soo cute?

Name that duck winner!

The answer to the question everyone had for days...What's the last ducks name? And we have picked the winner! Congratulations to......... Anonymous for naming the duck Weebles Wobbles, but we shortend it to Wobbles! Isn't she soooo adorable💗? Thank you everyone for participating! 

Adorable baby duck pictures!

These ducks just love having there pictures taken! When Scotty said "Look at the camera duckie" it actully turned its head and looked! 💗  Aren't they so adorable?  Their tiny poofs are so cute! This one just finished eating, so she has a dirty face. And everyone, thank you for all your entries for the duck competition, there is still time to enter your final names, just be sure to do it before tomorrow! Thanks for reading! 

We got ducks!

This morning, we got a phone call from the post office telling us that our ducks were there and ready to be picked up! We had purchased a special breed of ducks, crested pekins, and the only way to get them was to order them from out of state! It only took 2 days to get here and they came safe and sound!  They were freezing cold when we got them, so we immediately put them in there temporary house. Now they are warm, happy and being adorable!💗 Name the third duck challenge. Alright everyone! We are having a competition! We have two ducks already named, Mrs. Wimpy Dimple and Flippy Floppy. But we need one more name for the third duck! Write your answer in the comments and the winner will be chosen on May 27th! Thanks for reading and I can't wait to see everyone's names!

The duck coop is almost finished!

We have almost finished the duck coop! After the framing was finished, we put up the siding and started building the doors and the ramp. Then we painted everything white, found some old hinges and a latch and dad assembled the doors.  This is the man door, the duck door is on the other side. Here's the duck door and ramp! This week we will be getting the ducks. They are being shipped from a farm outside NC and hopefully will arrive safe and sound! 

What we did this weekend!

This weekend Scotty bought a new tackle box and spent all afternoon fishing in our pond.  He didn't catch anything, but had fun trying!  It was cloudy and rainy all weekend, but that didn't stop him.  This weekend we also invited our friends over for a BBQ! It was so much fun getting to hang out with them!  Nearing the end of the bbq, we launched off some fireworks and played with sparklers!  The coolest thing that night would be the fireflies or lighting bugs. It was so amazing to see tiny little lights in the bushes and around the roads blinking on and off. Scotty caught one, but we didn't keep it in a jar.  It wad such a fun weekend! We miss all of you! Stay tuned for a update on the duck coop or the ducks!  Thanks for reading! 

Pictures 📷

Here are some of the cutest, funniest and silliest pictures we have taken so far! Hope you enjoyed!

More wildlife we found!

We have found a few more animals on our property! This turtle Dad found in the grass, may be a box turtle. It was so cute! And there are a ton of skinks hiding in all the bushes around our back deck. They are a bunch of different colors like blue, yellow, red and black!  And Scottys most favorite mushroom he found was ... well.. And we have planted our whole garden in the back! We planted tomatoes, sunflowers, beans, peas, squash, pumpkins, nasturtiums, and  a whole bunch more. We are trying to decide what else to plant now that we have 10x the garden space! 

Making the duck coop!

We have decided to get three crested pekins! We bought all of the things that they need as babies like the light, food and water holders, bedding and bins, and in a few days we will get the ducklings.  Once they get to be a month or so old, they will get to live outside in the duck coop Dad and Scotty are building. They turned the old sandbox under our play structure into a duck coop! It's not done yet, but it's getting there! When we get the ducks we will also be getting 15 chickens and I want to name all of them! Does anyone have any ideas? 

How to clean grout.

The grout in my bathroom was pretty nasty. It was yellow, brown, covered in grit and desperately needed cleaning. So I looked up a recipe online, tweaked it a little bit, tried it out and it works great! All you need is.. Baking soda Hydrogen peroxide Toothbrush Bowl Rags ...... Start by finding a disposable bowl or one that you will only use for the paste you are about to make.  Put 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1-2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, depending how runny you want it. It is done when you form a paste. Then use that toothbrush and scrub all of that paste onto the grout.  Wait 15-20 minutes than wipe it all off with a rag and if you wish to, spray water on it to make it easier to wipe off. If there is some clumped up baking soda, just vacuum it off when it drys.  It wasn't amazing, but it was pretty decent for a non chemical cleaner! If you give it a try, tell me how you like it! 

Happy mothers day Mom!

Happy mothers day to all the moms! For mothers day today, we are doing projects for mom all around the house! We hung up a mirror, fixed a light, worked on the TV room and I cleaned my bathroom tile. For lunch mom requested a picnic by the pond.  She made sandwiches and lemonade.  And for a present, I made her some earrings and she loved them! What did you guys do to celebrate? 

Mom drove the tractor!

We haven't been doing to much lately, just more working and cleaning and fixing. Mom though, did learn to drive the tractor! Good job mom!  And the bookshelves are finished! As requested, here is a picture of out Taylor wood stove, eventually I will post a whole how to work it, but right now we are stacking all of the wood! We also were shooting my bow and ax throwing, although I'm not sure we did that right 🤣 And that is what we have been doing lately! We miss you all💗

Schoolroom, shelves and Scottys escape route.

Mom's bookshelves are almost done! She is now filling the completed ones up with books, pictures and trinkets. Don't they look great?! The biggest work in progress is the school room closet, I'm sure we will get around to it😁 And Scotty is very proud to show you his sneaky escape route, from the schoolroom to outside🤣 "I can sneak out without anyone noticing- he says "I love having no screens on the windows!"  Thanks for reading! What would you guys like to read about? Do you want to read about more rooms of the house? Packing tips? The property? Just let me know!