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Showing posts from July, 2023

Homemade bagels! 😋

Mom taught me how to make bagels and they are so easy and fun to make! She found the recipie online and altered it a bit to make it better! Here is the recipie! The dough was crazy sticky so we added a lot more flour to make it workable.  Instead of boiling it in honey, we used 2 tablespoons to a pot of water.  They turned out amazing and we will definitely be making them again!

Summertime activities!

The ducks are doing amazing! They now can be free ranged but they only like to hang out under our back deck😄 We put up a pool which is really nice since it's been pretty hot and humid here. Mom has been researching all the medicinal plants that are native here and has found quite a few including usnea, henbit, Greenbriar and a ton more!  We have been fishing a lot more also, Scotty is the master and has caught more than anyone! Hope you all have a great day! Thanks for reading!

Making a charcuterie!

  Charcuterie boards are so fun to make! You can put anything you want on them. For this board that I'm making, I am using this board set to style them and using an assortment of meats and chesses found at the store.  One fun decoration to make for your board is pepperoni or salami roses! They are very simple, take a shotglass fir smaller roses or a cup for bigger, and began to cover the rim of the glass with the meat of your choice.  After a while it will look like this! Flip the shotglass or cup over and ta-da! A beautiful rose! For board #1 we added a bunch of different types of crackers and cheese (Brie, cheddar, swiss and everything bagel goat cheese) and meat (like prosciutto, peperoni, salami and a can of sardines.) Apples, jam and honey. This one was very simple. We only put peanuts, pistachios, mixed nuts, olives and homemade pickles. This board was pretty much the same as #1 but styled differently. We also added some more fruit.   I think they turned out pr...

Farm update!

We have been busy lately! I just turned 15 so we went out to lunch and shopped. I am having a birthday party this weekend so we are prepping for that.  The birds are all getting so big! We had a bit of trouble with the Guinea hens this morning, one jumped put of the box we use to carry them from the coop to the outside enclosure! I chased that thing all around the woods, those guineas run so fast! After about 10 minutes it decided to hide in a patch if Green Briar ( in case you didn't know it's really thorny vines) in the end we got it safely back into the coop!  They can roost so high up now! The ducks are fully feathered and can now free range, but not go into the pond yet. They are still to little for that. They only like to stay by the house and hide under our deck 😄 That's all that's been going on for now.  Hope you enjoyed reading!

Going fishing!

We had a huge storm last night! It woke me up at 2am and went on until 630am! Our pond filled up real full, some if our pathways got flooded and a few dead branches fell but other than that no damage was done.  We all went fishing today and  c7aught and realsed over ten. In the morning when we went out it was thundering with no rain, and now in the afternoon it's hot and humid.  All four of us caught something! Lucy was enjoying the shade as she watched us😁 What are you planning on doing this weekend? 


The ducks are getting so big! They are almost fully feathered and are quacking!💗 They don't really like to be held, but we do it anyway😁 They are just so soft. Everyone who comes over, they follow  They just love to play in the grass, swim, eat bugs and run around. They even try to fly!😄 I love having the ducks!💗

Mushrooms 🍄

All throughout our woods. Mushrooms grow everywhere! One they there is nothing on the trail and the next day giant ones are popping up! As dad has been building the pathways he has taken a whole bunch of pictures of them!  This one is called chicken in the woods. It is edible. We harvested some and dried it.  This little yellow one was so small!  This one looks like a shower head, but we don't know the name yet.  Thanks for the pictures dad! 

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Yesterday we went over ti our friends house and shot off a ton of giant fireworks! I have never seen/done a Roman candle, firecrackers, real fireworks that shoot up into the air and more!  We have been working on a shooting range, finishing up the pathways around the pig pens and shooting with friends.  We also got six guinea hens! And sadly another back snake broke into the coop and ate three more chickens. Have a happy 4th! What are you guy's plans?